Struggling to get your dog or puppy to listen to you? Want to switch your constant calling to rapid recalls? What is recall? In a nutshell, recall is quite simply getting your dog to come back to you when called. Why is it important? Firstly, UK law states that...
Local Pet Friendly
Do you have a new puppy, or want puppy training in Southport?
The doors have now opened to Paula’s Puppy Club, Southport. For all things Puppy. If you have a puppy or are thinking of getting a puppy, now is the time to get training. Yes, training is knowledge for owners, not just for the pups.Our Foundation Level course, is...
Looking for a Positive Dog Trainer in Southport?
During Lockdown 1.0 Paula’s Pet Services were secretly working behind the scenes on something super special. It has not been so secret to our VIP customers, some of which were taking advantage of free access, and some of you may have also had your sneaky suspicions....
Are you looking for last minute stocking fillers for your pup? Why don’t you shop local in Southport
I’ve put together a little blog of some of our Southport (and neighbouring) independent pet businesses that are still offering delights for the festive season. Here is a little guide to show you what is available for your last minute stocking fillers and to encourage...